Your homeowner’s insurance policy can offer financial protection in the event of an unexpected disaster involving your home or personal property. But how you will be reimbursed following a...
Your homeowner’s insurance policy can offer financial protection in the event of an unexpected disaster involving your home or personal property. But how you will be reimbursed following a...
2020 was a hacker’s dream. Overnight, millions of Americans traded in business casual for sweatpants, and peace of mind for fear and uncertainty. The result? A 715% increase in...
Unlike physical threats that prompt immediate action—like stopping, dropping, and rolling if you catch on fire— cyber threats are often difficult to identify and understand. Cyber threats include dangers...
More and more people are eligible for the vaccine, and on April 15th, all California adults will be eligible. [source:] Is your business preparing to bring back remote...
One of the most popular and romantic gifts to give is jewelry. It’s a grand gesture and often comes with a hefty price tag. If you’ve purchased or received...
As the year-end is approaching quickly, it’s important to be aware of the recent and upcoming California legal updates for businesses. There is also an upcoming webinar on this...
On September 17, 2020, California enacted SB-1159 which imposes certain reporting requirements on employers. Effective immediately, employers are required to report positive COVID-19 tests to their workers’ compensation claim...
On September 16th, 2020, Gaspar Insurance Services hosted a live webinar with Hermance Law on Estate Planning: 6 Things to Make Sure You Have a Plan in Place. Our...
Summertime typically means family road trips, sunscreen and hats. However, while you’re taking personal precautions to beat the heat, make sure to do the same for your car. High...
Dr. Jon Keeley: US Geological Survey, Adjunct Professor at UCLA Dr. Keeley is a fire ecologist investigating historical fire patterns and their relationship to climate and urban development. He...