Workplace Technology Trends 2022

work technology

Technology and Human Interaction

Today’s remote and hybrid workplaces rely on virtual communication and collaboration. While these arrangements remove much day-to-day interaction, fortunately, technology can enhance relationships and enable meaningful conversations. As employers navigate and compete in the “Great Reshuffle,” intelligent and flexible technology can help rehumanize work.

For example, the software could measure and improve workplace culture, help uncover ways to improve employee work-life balance, or detect and decrease burnout that can lead to employee turnover.

More familiar applications of technology in the workplace include workflow automation software and communication channels. Technology could help dispersed employees build relationships, solve common problems, or support decision-making.

Employers interested in introducing workplace technology to their employees can start with the following steps:

  • Identify common challenges or critical pain points. To maximize the technology’s impact, employers should focus on ways to help streamline heavy or unmanageable workloads and reduce overall employee stress.
  • Focus on human interaction. Technology (e.g., intranet and portal) should support employee engagement and address communication challenges.
  • Choose the right technology. Employers can match their goals with suitable virtual tools.
  • Test the technology. It’s important to test, learn and improve the technology continually. Employers should keep the lines of communication open with employees to ensure it’s helping them do their jobs.

When implemented correctly, technology and automation can help humanize today’s virtual workplace and support employees.

Tech-based Corporate Wellness

Wellness technology describes wellness software, tools, and systems that allow organizations to assess employee health risk levels and develop wellness programming. In today’s digital age, it makes sense for many employers to explore ways to digitize their employee wellness efforts.

Employers should consider the following ways technology can support corporate wellness initiatives:

  • Online screening tools, such as health risk assessments, can help employers promote preventive care and outline the next steps for tailored employee health care.
  • Wearable devices (e.g., Apple Watch, Fitbit, and Garmin) can promote exercise, monitor sleep, and track nutrition. Analytic tools can also alert employees when they should consider recharging.
  • Virtual mental health resources, including telemedicine, allow employees to instantly access help, such as video conferencing with a licensed counselor.
  • Machine learning can help wellness program coordinators track and collect data to personalize offerings based on employee preference, activity, and risk assessments.

Digital solutions can help enhance employees’ well-being and make wellness an organizational focus. Employers should consider leveraging technology to increase their organization’s wellness program participation and overall success.

For more workplace tips or information about these trends, contact Gaspar Insurance Services today.
